罗望子 tamarind
冷却经济之余却不会失去改革动力/减慢改革步伐 tame the economy without sacrificing the reform momentum
特敏福 Tamiflu
泰米尔之虎 Tamil Tigers
邓肇坚医院 Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
坦克车向阿拉法官邸发炮无数 tanks rained shells on his office building
印度密教经典、密教哲学、印度教密宗 tantrics
坦桑尼亚(达累斯萨拉姆) Tanzania(Dar-es-Salaam)
道教 Taoism
窃听电话内容 tap conversations
塔门洲 Tap Mun Chau/Grass Island
踏石角 Tap Shek Kok
冷却经济之余却不会失去改革动力/减慢改革步伐 tame the economy without sacrificing the reform momentum
特敏福 Tamiflu
泰米尔之虎 Tamil Tigers
邓肇坚医院 Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
坦克车向阿拉法官邸发炮无数 tanks rained shells on his office building
印度密教经典、密教哲学、印度教密宗 tantrics
坦桑尼亚(达累斯萨拉姆) Tanzania(Dar-es-Salaam)
道教 Taoism
窃听电话内容 tap conversations
塔门洲 Tap Mun Chau/Grass Island
踏石角 Tap Shek Kok
水喉水/自来水 tap water
偷录被告与律师的对话 taped a conversation between one of the accused and his solicitor
聆讯录音显示她亲口认罪。 Tapes of the hearing showed she had verbally pleaded guilty.
玷污品牌 tar the brand
趴地熊 Tare Panda
目标为本课程 Target-Oriented Curriculum
资费率 Tariff Rate
免关税 tariff-free
两地间某些制品的关税将撤销。 Tariffs will be eliminated on certain manufactured goods traded between the two places.
玷污了政府公仆廉洁诚实的形象 tarnished the clean and honest image of government workers
塔罗牌 tarot cards
塔沙地人 Tasaday
专责小组 taskforce
试酒 taste-test wine
日本多多罗大桥 Tatara Bridge
大老山 Tate‘s Cairn
大老山公路 Tate‘s Cairn Highway
大老山隧道 Tate‘s Cairn Tunnel
免费教他们 taught them for free
税基 tax base
香港税务学会会长王锐强 Taxation Institute of Hong Kong president Marcellus Wong Yui-keung
的士司机 taxi driver
的士司机表示使用芥花籽油每更可以减省开支一百元。 Taxi drivers say that using rapeseed oil in their vehicles saves them about $100 a shift compared with official fuel.
的士牌照 taxi licence
的士同业联会 Taxi Operators Association
的士站 taxi rank/cab stand(AmE)
纳税人金钱 taxpayers‘ money
宣布和中国的 TCL成立合资企业announced a joint venture with China‘s TCL
茶包 tea bags
茶艺 tea ceremony