集团短期内会出售更多物业。 The group will sell more properties in the near future.
团体共收集到超过三万个签名支持全民普选特首。 The groups collected more than 30000 signatures in favour of universal suffrage.
港美息差进一步拉阔 the growing differences between Hong Kong and United States interest rates
游击队员向我们开火。 The guerrillas opened fire on us.
要真正拔出来的头发。 The hairs literally have to be
恒生指数昨日创下历来单日第二大跌幅,亚洲各地股市亦全面大挫。 The Hang Seng Index suffered its second-largest points fall yesterday as stock markets plunged across Asia.
净化海港计划 The Harbour Area Treatment Scheme
共建维港委员会 the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee
哈里波特现象 the Harry Potter phenomenon
香港主教呼吁二零零七年普选特首,二零零八年立法会议席全面直选。 The head of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong yesterday called for the introduction of universal suffrage in the 2007 chief executive and 2008 Legislative Council elections.
健康饮食趋势 the healthy-eating trends
被受猛烈批评的勾地政策 the heavily criticised application list system for land auction
团体共收集到超过三万个签名支持全民普选特首。 The groups collected more than 30000 signatures in favour of universal suffrage.
港美息差进一步拉阔 the growing differences between Hong Kong and United States interest rates
游击队员向我们开火。 The guerrillas opened fire on us.
要真正拔出来的头发。 The hairs literally have to be
恒生指数昨日创下历来单日第二大跌幅,亚洲各地股市亦全面大挫。 The Hang Seng Index suffered its second-largest points fall yesterday as stock markets plunged across Asia.
净化海港计划 The Harbour Area Treatment Scheme
共建维港委员会 the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee
哈里波特现象 the Harry Potter phenomenon
香港主教呼吁二零零七年普选特首,二零零八年立法会议席全面直选。 The head of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong yesterday called for the introduction of universal suffrage in the 2007 chief executive and 2008 Legislative Council elections.
健康饮食趋势 the healthy-eating trends
被受猛烈批评的勾地政策 the heavily criticised application list system for land auction
传统基金主席费勒 the Heritage Foundation president Edwin Feulner
最高法院下令查封所有票箱,以保留证据,但没有下令重点。 The High Court ordered all ballot boxes sealed to preserve evidence, but did not order a recount.
最高权力 the highest prerogative
中学的历史课程博而不深。 The history curriculum in secondary schools was broad but not very deep.
近年,港进联在香港政坛的影响力越来越小。 The HKPA‘s influence in Hong Kong politics has waned over the years.
无家可归的流浪汉 the homeless straggler
蜜月期 the honeymoon period
香港中华煤气有限公司 The Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd.
福群妇女权益会 The Hong Kong Association for the
香港中学校长会主席黄谓儒 the Hong Kong Association of Heads of Secondary Schools chairman Michael Wong Wai-yu
香港青年政策研究所 the Hong Kong Avant-Garde Policy Research Institute
香港青年奖励计划 The Hong Kong Award for Young People
香港人权法案条例 the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance
百货商业雇员总会秘书邓祥胜 the Hong Kong Department Stores and Commercial Staff General Union secretary Tang Cheung-sing
香港中学文凭试 the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination
海外女佣雇主协会主席容马珊儿 The Hong Kong Employers of Overseas Domestic Helpers‘ Association chairman Betty Yung Ma Shan-yee
港府昨日宣布新任特首的任期只有两年。 The Hong Kong government announced yesterday that the new chief executive will serve only a two-year term.
香港建筑师学会 The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
香港管理人员专业协会 The Hong Kong Management Association
资金流走,金管局再度购入港元,以稳定港元汇价。 The Hong Kong Monetary Authority again bought Hong Kong dollars to stabilise the currency against an outflow of capital.
香港新闻行政人员协会 The Hong Kong News Executives‘ Association
香港报贩协会 The Hong Kong Newspaper Hawker Association
香港角膜矫形学会 The Hong Kong Orthokeratology
香港爱乐交响乐团 the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
香港规划及基建展览馆 The Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery
香港耆康老人福利会/耆康会 The Hong Kong Society for the Aged
香港聋人福利促进会 The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
《虎报》笃数案 the Hong Kong Standard circulation fraud case
香港科技大学(科大) the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
尊贵的立法会议员 the honourable Legco members