推选委员会 Selection Committee
市内电话电话号码配换选号 Selection or Change of Telephone Number
(劳工处)展能就业科 Selective Placement Division
自残 self-destructing
自资学额 self-financing places
城市居民自治 self-governance by urban residents
数学、物理和商业都是自学/无师自通 self-taught in math, physics and business
周梁淑怡 Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee
卖出石油以换取人道物资 sell oil in exchange for humanitarian supplies
以低很多的价钱售卖同样质素的货品 sell the same quality product at a fraction of the price
出口卖方信贷 seller‘s credit on exports
以低至五折的价钱售卖名牌二手时装和配件 selling brand name second-hand fashion and accessories at up to 50 per cent off
市内电话电话号码配换选号 Selection or Change of Telephone Number
(劳工处)展能就业科 Selective Placement Division
自残 self-destructing
自资学额 self-financing places
城市居民自治 self-governance by urban residents
数学、物理和商业都是自学/无师自通 self-taught in math, physics and business
周梁淑怡 Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee
卖出石油以换取人道物资 sell oil in exchange for humanitarian supplies
以低很多的价钱售卖同样质素的货品 sell the same quality product at a fraction of the price
出口卖方信贷 seller‘s credit on exports
以低至五折的价钱售卖名牌二手时装和配件 selling brand name second-hand fashion and accessories at up to 50 per cent off
售卖翻版光盘 selling counterfeit CDs
贱卖港人资产 selling off Hong Kong‘s assets too cheaply
出售部分股票套现,以便认购建银 selling part of their existing portfolios to free up cash to subscribe to the CCB
今天的沽压可能会加重。 Selling pressure could increase today.
沾有精液的床垫 semen-stained mattress
半自动武器 semi-automatic weapons
半导体雷射光放大器 Semiconductor Laser Optical Amplifier(简称 SOA)
半决赛 semifinal
半官方贸易 semi-official trade
半退休状态 semi-retired
半素食者 semivegetarian
将人类送上火星 send a human to Mars
向公众传达错误讯息 send the wrong message to the public
寄淫亵及恐吓语句 sending obscene and threatening messages
塞内加尔(达喀尔) Senegal(Dakar)
警务处高级助理处长 Senior Assistant Commissioner of
长者咭计划 Senior Citizen Card Scheme
长者安居服务协会 Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
长者、耆英 senior citizens
渔农处高级郊野公园主任黎清惠 senior country parks officer Lai Ching-wai
高级医生 senior doctors
高级管工 senior foreman
高级督察 senior inspector
内地高官、内地高级官员 senior mainland officials
高级经理 senior managers
资深牧师 senior pastor
高级公务员 senior public servants
行政长官办公室高级特别助理路祥安 senior special assistant Andrew Lo Cheung-on
理性讨论 sensible discussion
敏感文件 sensitive documents