市民不愿消费 shoppers have tightened their purse strings
购物少于四百元需付十五元运送费。 Shoppers will be billed $15 for each delivery if they spend less than $400.
商场和酒楼再次人头涌涌。 Shopping malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people.
购物天堂 shopping mecca
争取阿拉伯国家支持向恐怖主义开战 shore-up Arab support for the war on terrorism
简讯服务/简讯传送服务/短讯服务/短讯传送服务 short messaging services (SMS)
漏电断路装置 short-circuit protection system
缩减医生的工时 shorten doctors‘
缩减堆填区寿命 shorten the lifespan of the
缩短工作时间 shorten working hours
缩短中学修读年期至六年 shortening secondary education to six years
人手不足 short-handed
购物少于四百元需付十五元运送费。 Shoppers will be billed $15 for each delivery if they spend less than $400.
商场和酒楼再次人头涌涌。 Shopping malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people.
购物天堂 shopping mecca
争取阿拉伯国家支持向恐怖主义开战 shore-up Arab support for the war on terrorism
简讯服务/简讯传送服务/短讯服务/短讯传送服务 short messaging services (SMS)
漏电断路装置 short-circuit protection system
缩减医生的工时 shorten doctors‘
缩减堆填区寿命 shorten the lifespan of the
缩短工作时间 shorten working hours
缩短中学修读年期至六年 shortening secondary education to six years
人手不足 short-handed
在快要公布业绩时 shortly before it issued results
射杀了一名女人质 shot dead one woman hostage
(警员)吞枪自杀 shot himself with his
应容许学校、学生和家长有较大的自主权选择教学语言 should allow schools, students and parents greater discretion in choosing a teaching language
应专注手头上的工作 should be focusing on the work in hand
应该被判入狱 should be remanded in custody
应该向选民负责 should be responsible to the voters
不应被判入狱 should be spared jail
应被视作发达国家 should be treated as a developed country
应该向公众解释 should give a public explanation
要还死者一个公道 should give justice to the victims
香港应否禁止鲜活家禽入口? Should HK ban live
应该加强检控 should increase prosecutions
(传媒)不应夸大这则新闻 should not be blown out of proportion
不该被判入狱 should not be given a custodial sentence
(费用)不应转介至消费者身上 should not be passed on to consumers
未搜集到足够证据时不应高调拘捕警员 should not make high-profile arrests of police before collecting enough evidence
应该定期检查车辆 should regularly
应解决人车争路的情况 should solve the problem of pedestrians and vehicles competing for space
应修紧法例,避免市民滥用破产来避债 should tighten the law to ban people from using bankruptcy to avoid repaying debts
承担法律费用 shoulder the legal fees
寿臣山 Shouson Hill
互相辱骂 shouting insults at each other
大讲粗口 shouting obscenities
显示他非常缺乏政治智能 show considerable political naivete
有食物中毒迹象 show food-poisoning symptoms
采取高姿态 show high-profile; exercise forbearance; be tolerant
出风头 show off;in the limelight
保持克制 show self-restraint
有…的症状 show symptoms of……