外表整洁而时髦的扒手 natty pickpockets
自然遗产 natural heritage
斜度超过二十度的天然斜坡 natural slopes slanting
天然甜剂 natural sweetener
保育政策 nature conservation policy
肚脐 navel
国际航行警告电传 Navigational Telegram Exchange (简称 NAVTEX )
航行警告电传 NAVTEX
国家通讯传播委员会促进多元文化及尊重弱势权益政策纲领 NCC Policy Framework for Fostering Multiculturalism and Respect for the Rights and Interests of the Disadvantaged.
在往九龙方向的隧道入口附近 near the entrance of the Kowloon-bound lane of the tunnel
婚外情可接受。 Nearly half approve of premarital
几乎破产 nearly went bankrupt
自然遗产 natural heritage
斜度超过二十度的天然斜坡 natural slopes slanting
天然甜剂 natural sweetener
保育政策 nature conservation policy
肚脐 navel
国际航行警告电传 Navigational Telegram Exchange (简称 NAVTEX )
航行警告电传 NAVTEX
国家通讯传播委员会促进多元文化及尊重弱势权益政策纲领 NCC Policy Framework for Fostering Multiculturalism and Respect for the Rights and Interests of the Disadvantaged.
在往九龙方向的隧道入口附近 near the entrance of the Kowloon-bound lane of the tunnel
婚外情可接受。 Nearly half approve of premarital
几乎破产 nearly went bankrupt
需要改进 need a revamp
必须和恐怖主义战闹到底 need to be unyielding in completing the war on terrorism
须要立即接受移植手术 needed an immediate transplant
须要提出多些证据来支持他们的指控 needed to present more evidence to back up their accusations
(法例等)需要重新审订 needs an overhaul
须要达至收支平衡 needs to balance the budget
有需要的病人 needy patients
负资产家庭 negative equity families
负资产 negative household equity/had fallen into negative equity
反面教材 negative teaching material
谈判代表 negotiator/delegate
邻局市内电话,通称「邻局电话」 Neighbor Endoffice Phone (简称 NEP )
邻舍辅导会 Neighbourhood Advice Action Council
街工 Neighbourhood and Worker‘s Service Centre
长者邻舍中心 Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
双方互不信任。 Neither side trusts each other.
新古典主义的 neoclassical
尼泊尔(加德满都) Nepal(Kathmandu/Katmandu)
尼泊尔的社会结构正逐渐解体。 Nepal‘s civil structure is disintegrating.
肾脏专科医师 nephrologist
肾元 nephrons
胰岛细胞增殖症 nesidioblastosis
擦网球 net ball
网络文学 net literature
荷兰(阿姆斯特丹) Netherlands/Holland(Amsterdam)
阴曹地府 netherworld
检获影像光盘总值逾十亿元 netted more than $1 billion worth of optical discs
网络覆盖 network coverage
网络识别码 Network IDs
用户回路隔离器插座 Network Interface Jack