(癌症)扩散至其它地方 metastasize
美沙酮中心 methadone centres
美沙酮诊疗所 methadone clinics
忽得 Methaqualone/Mandrax
(计算机病毒)传染方法 method of contagion
一丝不苟的 meticulous
新城电台 Metro Broadcast Ltd.
都市日报 Metropolis Daily
都会局域网络 Metropolitan Area Network (简称 MAN )
墨西哥航空公司 Mexicana Airlines
墨西哥(墨西哥市/墨西哥城) Mexico(Mexico City)
蒙古航空公司 Miat Mongolian Airlines
美沙酮中心 methadone centres
美沙酮诊疗所 methadone clinics
忽得 Methaqualone/Mandrax
(计算机病毒)传染方法 method of contagion
一丝不苟的 meticulous
新城电台 Metro Broadcast Ltd.
都市日报 Metropolis Daily
都会局域网络 Metropolitan Area Network (简称 MAN )
墨西哥航空公司 Mexicana Airlines
墨西哥(墨西哥市/墨西哥城) Mexico(Mexico City)
蒙古航空公司 Miat Mongolian Airlines
中电集团主席米高嘉道理 Michael D. Kadoorie, Chairman of CLP Holdings
戴尔计算机公司董事长兼执行长麦可戴尔 Michael Dell, chairman and CEO, Dell Computer
一旦有同业锐意发展新软件,打入市场和微软软件直接竞争时,微软即以其庞大的市场占有率和丰厚利润为本钱,打压对手。 Microsoft has demonstrated that it will use its prodigious market power and immense profits to harm any firm that insists on pursuing initiatives that could intensify competition against one of Microsoft‘s core products.
微软会致力以公平的方式尽快解决有关问题。 Microsoft is committed to resolving this case in a fair and equitable manner.
微波炉食品 microwave food
微波炉 microwave oven/microwave
中年失业人士 middle-aged unemployed people
偏向中产阶级的 middle-class-affiliated
中至高入息人士 middle-to-high income earners
美联物业 Midland Realty
美联物业昨天估计上月共有约九千宗楼宇成交,是九七年一月以来最多的。 Midland Realty yesterday estimated that there were about 9,000 property transactions last month, the highest for January since 1997.
中层主管 midlevel executives
中途岛 Midway Island
可能会荼毒青少年 might corrupt our youth
过渡至知识型社会 migrate to a knowledge-based economy
候鸟 migratory birds
米兰 Milan
轻度弱智 mildly mentally handicapped
军事通讯卫星 military communication satellite
军警 military police
空防系统 military‘s air defence system
印备了数以百万份的申请表格,并保证每名散户都获发至少一手股票。 Millions of application forms were printed for retail investors and an allocation was made to everyone who requested shares.
清真寺的尖塔 minaret
棉兰老岛 Mindanao
照顾被绑小孩的同党 minder
明代滚动条 Ming dynasty scroll
明报 Ming Pao Daily
明报周刊 Ming Pao Weekly
小全张 miniature sheet
航班缩减 minimal flight schedules