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内地官员    mainland officials

北姑、内地妓女    mainland prostitutes

中国大陆民营企业    Mainland provate enterprises

内地的检疫部门两个月前留意到(红火)蚁大批出没/发生蚁患。    Mainland provincial quarantine authorities were put on alert two months ago about the ant infestation.

大陆偷渡客    mainland stowaways

内地学生    mainland students

内地旅行社    mainland travel agencies

红筹股亦受沽压。    Mainland-related shares also traded negatively.

(自来水)总管道    mains

(民主党)主流阵营    mainstream camp

主流意见    mainstream opinion

保持国民经济发展的良好势头    maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy

维持中港良好关系    maintain a good relationship between Hong Kong and Beijing

和传媒保持良好关系    maintain a good relationship with the media

维持公平竞争的环境    maintain a level playing field

维持良好的个人卫生习惯,例如常洗手    maintain good

保持心血管健康    maintain good cardiovascular health

维持治安    maintain law and order

维持中立    maintained a neutral stance

坚持说自己讲真话    maintained he was telling the truth

维持课堂秩序,课室共有四十名学生上课    maintaining discipline in a class of 40

维持心理健康    maintaining good mental health

转职新公司的员工的主要福利将维持不变。这包括退休保障计划、酌情奖励计划、生产力奖励计划、医疗福利,及继续维持工作年资。    Major benefits, including retirement schemes, incentive and productivity bonuses, medical cover, and service continuity benefits, will remain unchanged for those who make the move.

大额存户    major depositors

搵快钱    make a fast buck

对于某事作出更肯定的承诺    make a firmer commitment on something

全部供认不讳/和盘托出    make a full confession

纯利一千七百万    make a net profit of $17 million

发表电视演说    make a televised address

作出竞选承诺    make an election promise

操办    make arrangements

作出让步    make concessions/concede concessions to somebody

申报利益    make declarations of interest

进展良好    make good progress/be on the

趁热打铁    make hay while the sun shines; strike while the iron is hot

有助该公司重组债务,该公司负债共九亿元    make it easier to reschedule its $900 million in outstanding debt

分配超过一半的领汇基金单位予散户    make more than 50 per cent of the units in the Link Reit available to retail investors

用计算机制作影片    make movies on computers

公开收回之前的说话    make public retractions of past statements

向公众揭露第三者是谁    make public the identity of the ‘third party‘

(为战争)作最好的准备    make the best preparation for this

北上    make the trip north

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