嫖客 johns
参加反日游行 join an anti-Japan protest march
一起自我牺牲/集体自杀 join the
加入政府 join the civil service
加入「颐康保障户口」计划 join the Health Protection Account
参与社会服务工作,服务长者 joined a community service to serve the elderly
手牵手组成人链 joined hands to form a human chain
加入公务员队伍 joined the civil service
加入竞投 joined/entered the fray
参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动当选。 Joining the election would at least prevent Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the frontrunner, being returned unopposed.
联招中心 joint admission centre
携手为南亚海啸灾民筹款 joint efforts to raise funds to help victims of the Asian tsunami disaster
参加反日游行 join an anti-Japan protest march
一起自我牺牲/集体自杀 join the
加入政府 join the civil service
加入「颐康保障户口」计划 join the Health Protection Account
参与社会服务工作,服务长者 joined a community service to serve the elderly
手牵手组成人链 joined hands to form a human chain
加入公务员队伍 joined the civil service
加入竞投 joined/entered the fray
参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动当选。 Joining the election would at least prevent Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the frontrunner, being returned unopposed.
联招中心 joint admission centre
携手为南亚海啸灾民筹款 joint efforts to raise funds to help victims of the Asian tsunami disaster
联合政纲 joint platform
联名户口 joint savings account
参股公司 joint -stock company
市内电话合用电话 Joint Use Telephone
由某人和某人合办 jointly organised by something/somebody and something/somebody
佐敦 Jordan
约旦(安曼) Jordan(Amman)
民主动力召集人郑宇硕 Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, head of Power for Democracy
李国麟 Joseph Lee Kok-long
犹太教 Judaism
法官 judge/recorder
审判日 Judgment Day
修改预算 juggle its budget
珍宝客机 jumbo jet
跳下成功逃生 jump to safety
(股价)大升(名词) jump/leap/roar ahead/roar up/rocket/shoot ahead/shoot up/skyrocket/soar/surge (sharply)(v)
(股价)大升(动词) jump/leap/surge (n)
冲灯 jumped lights
跳桥 jumped off the bridge
香港青年商会 Junior Chamber of Commerce. HK
初级医生 junior doctors
初中学生 junior formers
垃圾传真 junk fax
吸毒者/贩毒者 junkies
司法管豁权 jurisdiction in criminal matters
陪审员 jurors
公平/不公平(判决) just/unjust
台湾法务部长城仲模 Justice Minister Cheng Chung-mo
香港中小型企业联合会会长畲继标 Justin Yip, chief executive of the Hong Kong Smaill and Medium Business Association
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