调查意外成因 identify the causes of the incident
确认死者身份 identify the dead
意识形态指导者 ideological guru
狂热宣扬某种理念的人 ideologue
IEEE802标准 IEEE 802 Standards
若然北京选择释法,就会是回归以来的第三度释法。 If Beijing opts for an interpretation, it would be the third interpretation of the Basic Law since the handover.
如果短期内没有实质成果 if concrete results are not seen in the near term
若然他没有违反缓刑的规定,那就会改判他为终身监禁。 If he does not violate the terms of the suspension, the sentence will be commuted to life in prison.
若他发现有一位候选人众望所归,他或会改为支持该名候选人。 If he finds that there is a candidate who enjoys widespread support, he may give his backing to that candidate.
若然他能成功连任 if he is re-elected
若然油价维持在每桶三十美元以上,经济增长必会受到打击。 If oil prices remain above $30 per barrel, growth rates will inevitably be hit.
如果朝鲜半岛的紧张局势持续恶化 if tension on the peninsula continues to worsen
确认死者身份 identify the dead
意识形态指导者 ideological guru
狂热宣扬某种理念的人 ideologue
IEEE802标准 IEEE 802 Standards
若然北京选择释法,就会是回归以来的第三度释法。 If Beijing opts for an interpretation, it would be the third interpretation of the Basic Law since the handover.
如果短期内没有实质成果 if concrete results are not seen in the near term
若然他没有违反缓刑的规定,那就会改判他为终身监禁。 If he does not violate the terms of the suspension, the sentence will be commuted to life in prison.
若他发现有一位候选人众望所归,他或会改为支持该名候选人。 If he finds that there is a candidate who enjoys widespread support, he may give his backing to that candidate.
若然他能成功连任 if he is re-elected
若然油价维持在每桶三十美元以上,经济增长必会受到打击。 If oil prices remain above $30 per barrel, growth rates will inevitably be hit.
如果朝鲜半岛的紧张局势持续恶化 if tension on the peninsula continues to worsen
如果行政长官认为我有错,是有程序可以要求我辞职或决定处分的方法。 If the chief executive finds me at fault, there are procedures in place whereby he can ask me to resign or decide on other punishment.
如果肺炎疫情恶化 if the pneumonia outbreak worsens
如果法国和俄罗斯行使否决权反对战争 if the power of veto was used by France or Russia against a resolution for war
如果美国经济进入衰退期,亚洲各地经济势难复苏。 If the US economy enters a recession it may derail the economic recovery in the Asian region.
若然该等工程并不合法,政府必须检控和重罚有关负责人。 If the works are unlawful, the perpetrators must be prosecuted and heavily punished. If not unlawful, they should be.
警方的行动如果持续,部分家长只好负隅顽抗。 If they continue their operation, I believe some parents will be forced to put up resistance.
如果他们觉得自己受到不公平对待,他们应该参加游行,表达意见。 If they think they are not treated fairly, they should go to the march and voice their views.
不坚决惩治腐败,党同人民群众的血肉联系就会受到严重损害,党的执政位就有丧失的危险,党就有可能走向自我毁灭。 If we don‘t crack down on corruption, the flesh and blood ties between the party and the people will suffer and the party will be in danger of losing its ruling position, or possibly heading for self-destruction
漠视民意 ignored public opinion
罔顾安全守则 ignored safety rules
不理官方警告 ignoring offical warnings
意大利里拉 Iire, Li
错误的想法 ill-conceived
设计不好的 ill-designed
非法政治献金 illegal campaign contributors
非法汽油 illegal diesel oil
非法移民 illegal immigrants
非法劳工 illegal workers
非法下载电影 illegally downloading movies from the internet
非法获取国家机密 illegally obtaining state secrets
非婚生子女 illegitimate children/children born out of wedlock
黑社会的非法活动 illicit activities of triad gangs
不正当竞选 illicit competition
第一台 iMac于九八年五月上市,刺激苹果计算机在接下来的两年股价上升了三倍。iMac共售出六百万台。The original iMac, which launched in May 1998, sparked a 400% Apple-stock surge during the next two years, and has sold more than 6 million units.
模仿色情影片中的女角 imitate actresses of
直属上司 immediate boss
实时豁免十八个贫穷国家的四百亿美元欠债 immediately cancels US$40 billion in debt owed by 18 nations
立即加息半厘 immediately lifting their lending and deposit rates by half a percentage point
美国移民归化局 Immigration and Naturalisation Service
入境事务处 Immigration Department