情况混乱下逃走 fled in confusion
乘电单车逃离现场 fled the scene on a
逃离家园 fled their homes
逃离饥荒和压迫 flee famine and oppression
食肉菌感染 flesh-eating bacteria
食肉苍蝇/食肉蝇 flesh-eating screw-worm fly
空中服务员/空姐 flight attendant
资金外流 flight of capital
黑盒/飞行纪录仪 flight recorders
圣诞节和农历新年的航班照常服务。 Flights over Christmas and the Lunar New Year would go ahead as scheduled.
香港有妻子,内地有情妇,要两头走 flit between wives
海鲜舫 floating restaurants
乘电单车逃离现场 fled the scene on a
逃离家园 fled their homes
逃离饥荒和压迫 flee famine and oppression
食肉菌感染 flesh-eating bacteria
食肉苍蝇/食肉蝇 flesh-eating screw-worm fly
空中服务员/空姐 flight attendant
资金外流 flight of capital
黑盒/飞行纪录仪 flight recorders
圣诞节和农历新年的航班照常服务。 Flights over Christmas and the Lunar New Year would go ahead as scheduled.
香港有妻子,内地有情妇,要两头走 flit between wives
海鲜舫 floating restaurants
花车 floats
蜂拥至电话店 flock to phone shops
令街上挤满巴士 flood the roads with buses
水浸黑点 flooding black spots
水深及腰 floodwater reached waist height
无家无业的人/无家可归的失业人士/被社会遗弃的人/流浪贫民 flotsam/flotsam and jetsam
违反交通规则 flout the rules of the road
无视法纪/无法无天 flouted the law
杉斑 Flowery Grouper
冲厕 flush the toilet
飞返香港 flying back to Hong Kong
坐经济舱 flying in economy/fly economy
飞行时数 flying time
火炭 Fo Tan
发泡胶饭盒 foam food boxes/styrofoam container
口吐白沫 foaming at the mouth
鹅肝酱 foie gras
更紧贴民意 follow public opinion even more closely
跟进事件 follow up the case/pursue the matter
人买我又买 followed the crowd
随着中国加入世贸,粤港两地合作的机会更多。 Following China‘s accession to the World Trade Organisation, co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong will rise to new heights.
在「大市场、小政府」的管治原则下 Following the principle of "big market, small government"
煸动革命 foment revolution
粮食援助 food aid
联合国粮食及农业组织 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
食物环境卫生署 Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
美食博览 Food Expo
食品制造商 food manufacturers
食品金字塔 food pyramid
食物样本 food samples