架式货柜 rack container铁路接运 rail interchange
铁路水运联运价 rail-water rate
运价协定 rate agreement
运价竞争 rate war
减价 rate-cutting
运价厘订 rate-making
契约之批准;契约之认可 ratification of contract
复航 reactivation
船席条款 ready berth clause
合理派遣;合理快速 reasonable despatch
合理偏航 reasonable deviation
以合理为准 reasonableness as the criterion
反叛 rebellion rebate
装卸储转费率 receiving storing and delivery rate {= RSD rate}
转租;转佣 recharter [= relet; sub-charter; sub-chartering; sub-let; subletting; under-letting]
追索 recourse action
损失补偿 recovery of loss
契约之订正 rectification of contract
还船凭证 re-delivery Certificate
冷藏货[物] reefer cargo; refrigeration cargo
冷冻货柜 reefer container; refrigerated container; refrigeration container
冷藏[运输]船;冷冻[搬运]船 refrigerated carrier [= refrigerator ship]
冷冻[能]量 refrigerating capacity
船名录;登记簿 register book [= registered mail book]
定期班船 regular liner
限值运价 released rate
重装 reloading
批注 remarks
复量 remeasurement
报酬 remuneration; reward
遣返 repatriation
起装通知日 reporting day
契约之片面废弃 repudiation of contract
提前卸货申请;卸货申请单 request note
征用 requisition
保留事项 reservation
补运货;[船货的]重装、转载 reshipment
留船未卸货 residue cargo
货物押贷 respondentia
回程货 return cargo
回程货运价 return shipment rate
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