来回票 return ticket收入摊配 revenue pool
收费吨 revenue ton
装卸日数并计 reversible laydays
复秤 reweighing
黏附条款 rider clause
确切卸交量 right and true delivery
追索权 right of recourse
搜索权;搜查权 right of search
临检搜索权 right of visit and search
刚性货柜 rigid container
暴动 riot
河运载货证券 river B/L
内河运费 river freight
驶上驶下船[舶];驶进驶出船[舶];滚装船 roll-on/roll-off ship [= RO/RO ship]
绳吊索;绳吊兜;吊货套索 rope sling
轮航协定 rotation-of-sailing agreement
腐蚀 rottenness
粗货 rough cargo
往返航程佣船 round trip charter
往返程租赁 round trip leasement
来回程运价 round trip rate
环球运务 round-to-world service
铺迭式板台货;铺迭式垫板货 row pattern pallet
政权限制 rulers restraint of princes; people restraint of princes
私运品 run goods
带缆人;逃亡者;私贩 runner
经常成本 running cost
漏出 running off
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