自用物品;私人行李 personal effects锯木单位{1980板呎} petrograd standard
船员惯常赏金 petty average
顺手窃取 petty pilferage
实质损害 physical damage
适航港 picked port
货栈前码头空地 pier apron
驮运系统 piggy back system
仓库理货 pile tally
引水费;引水术 pilotage
节合船 pinjoint ship
风轮式板台货;风轮式垫板货 pinwheel pattern pallet
海盗行为 piracy
收货地 place of acceptance
吊板;手扳吊具 platform sling
装载律 plilosophy of stowage
毒性货 poisonous cargo
麸 pollard
分摊期间 pool period
货运摊配 pooling
货运摊配协定;船东责任互保协会之联营[摊配]协定 pooling agreement
驻埠船长 port captain
港埠费[用] port charge; port disbursement
港口佣船契约 port charter
港口拥挤附加费 port congestion surcharge
泊港日志 port log
目的港标志 port mark
裁判港 port of adjudication
进口港 port of entry
补充港 port of recruit
装运港 port of shipment; shipping port
转口港 port of transhipment
搬移费 porterage
港至港载货证券 port-to-port B/L
适港能力 portworthiness
占有性留置权 possessory lien
迟填装船日期载货证券 post-dated B/L
运价表公告期 posting of tariff
危险品装卸旗 powder flag
动力船[舶];机动船 power driven vessel
委任书 power of attorney
检疫合格[证] pratique