换算表;对照表 conversion table改装油轮 converted tanker
可变货柜船 convertible container ship
煤运轮班休息日 converting day
运送人责任期间条款 conveyance clause
船队 convoy
厨工 cook
修补工 cooper
船舶共有人 co-owner; co-owner of ship
交运单;委托通知 cosignment note
包括运费之货价 cost & freight {= C&F}
包括保险费之货价 cost & insurance {= C&I}
运输成本 cost of service
包括保险费及运费之货价 cost, insurance & freight {= CIF}
反求偿 counter claim
副标志;辅助标志 counter mark
还价 counter offer
计数器理货 counter tally
辅标志 countermark
副本 counterpart
反证 counter-proof; disproof
副署 countersign
对抗外籍船舶补助金 countervailing subsidy
原地损害;原产地损害 country damage {= c.d.}
盖干货柜 covered top container
包装破损 cover-torn
裂痕 crack
裂缝 crack; split
起重机使用费 cranage
领款通知 credit note
债权人 creditor
船员名单 crew list
原油 crude oil
巡航距离;续航力 cruising range
压损 crushed
容积;按体积计算 cubage or cubature
立方容量;立体容积 cubic capacity
体积货 cubic cargo
立方公尺 cubic meter {= CBM}
币值附加费 currency adjustment factor {= CAF}; currency surchange {= CS}
现行汇率 current exchange rate
港口惯例;港口习惯 custom of port {= COP}