带双缆 to double up急降[帆];熄灭[灯] to douse
船载吃水;满帆吃风 to draw
落后;后退 to drop
缓松;松出 to ease out
盘[绳]圈 to fake down
向前开动 to fetch headway
盘绕 to flemish down
避让;起划{划船} to give way
调抢[风] to go about
勒紧;兜扣 to gripe in
拉挽;改变航向;风向船首转;移泊 to haul
吊起 to hoist
对扎钩口 to mouse
拉紧;缠 to rack
梯级栓结 to rattle down
抢[上]风 to reach
缩帆;缩短桅樯 to reef
卷绕 to reel
缩回 to retract
转舵顶风 to round
顺风疾驶 to run
因浪抬起 to scend
摇橹;划双桨{单人} to scuil
放水自沈 to scuttle
逸出航向;船首摆动 to sheer
装入吊具 to sling
急抛;全部抛弃;紧急弃锚 to slip
抹洗油漆 to soogee
鸣放汽笛;测深 to sound
跨绑 to span
竖桅 to step
拴系 to stop
打绊;上扣 to stopper
漂冲上岸;搁浅;坐礁;绳索绷裂{磨断或绷断} to strand
投放水中;[拖驳]协助出港 to stream
让缆滑溜{绞车空转};突然松脱;[锚泊船]俯仰起伏 to surge
抢风;换边抢风 to tack [= go about stay]
竖起 to top up
拉起{用绳或绑索} to trice
调整吃水;调整帆;桁 to trim
绞缆移船 to warp; warping the berth