纵帆前下角;受风舷;抢风每段航程{又称 a leg} tack带索滑车 tail
船尾搁浅;拉[绳索] tail on
尾向上游 tail up
绕挽 take a turn; to catch a turn
霎时顶风逼退 take aback
收进 take in
逢松收紧 take in the slack; take up the slack
测深 take soundings
伸出方向;照料 tend [= attend]
绳眼衬环 thimble
盘绳;整理绳索 thoroughfoot
三接三滑车 three-fold purchase; treble purchase
斜桁接口;斜桁前端;颚开口;颚钩开口卸扣;纵帆前上角;滑车颈;锚腋{老式锚} throat
留眼扎缚 throat seizing
帆布缀线垫 thrum mat
织帆布垫线 thrum; fox
有尾滑车 tial block
待潮;潮阻 tide-bound
顶流锚泊 tide-bound rode
层迭装载;链舱排列锚链{现代船只已不需要} tiering
舵索 tiller rope; wheel rope
吊木套结 timber and half hitch
木材夹打 timber dogs
木材套结 timber hitch
桨尖 tip
压紧舱盖布 to batten down
驶向 to bear in with
系扎;收回命令 to belay
打结接绳;拴系 to bend
破漏;搁浅 to bilge
抓位{海床} to bite
抢上风 to blanket
楔住;塞紧{楔子塞紧} to block off
收桨{操艇口令} to boat; boatoars
抖开旗帜 to break
启用 to break out
横向靠近 to breast in
斜泊{首靠尾离} to cant
盘圈 to coil down
满帆 to crowd on
低旗致敬 to dip; dip colors
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