旋臂吊架 radial davit; round bar davit; rotary davit铺列成行{如锚链等};回摆{如锚泊时};循岸航行 range to
梯级绳 ratlines
准备调向抢风 ready about
红色手炬信号 red hand flare
紫红漆 red oxide paint
变径管接头 reducer
帆褶衬条 reef band
缩帆滑车 reef tackle
穿绳 reeve
穿孔结;卷帆结 reeving-line bend
自脱钩 releasing hook
接替;换班 relieve
护舵滑车 relieving tackle
去漆剂 remover paint
索道 render
规定号灯 requlation lights
滑下{使落到正确位置} ride down
港外避风;顶风锚泊 ride out
着力锚 riding anchor
锚泊灯 riding lights
抛锚制链器;链掣 riding stopper
受力索 riding turn
横帆型 rig square
装配桅帆 rig to
橹桨{划、橹两用} rigged oar
索具工 rigger
挟绳钳 rigger‘s screw
右搓 right laid
制缆圈 ring stopper
碰撞危机 risk of collision
帆腰系绳 roband; robbin; roving
火箭射出绳 rocket line; whip line
遇险信号发射筒 rocket socket
识别彩线 rogue‘s yarn; identification thread
滑轮导缆架 roller chock; roller fairlead
绕转套结 rolling hitch; Magnushitch
钳索器 rope clamp; wire clamp; wire rope clamp
钢索夹 rope clip; wire clip; wire rope clip
绳索碰垫 rope fender
绳梯 rope ladder
钢索接眼 rope socket
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