矿油两用船 ore and oil carrier矿砂运送船 ore carrier
停航 out of commission
外伸距;舷外伸出距离 out reach
出口载货证券 outbound B/L
净直接成本 out-of-pocket cost
卸出量 out-turn quantity
卸船重量 outturn weight
去程;外航 outward voyage [= outbound voyage]
超溢超载货物 over flow cargo; over flow charge
超量货运费 over freight
超出存疑 over in dispute
全满载 overall loading
越运;过载 overcarriage
超量运送人;超量运送船 over-carrier
溢卸 over-delivery; over-landed
管理费用 overhead expenses
北美两岸转运内陆货运价 overland common point rate {= OCP rate}
北美西岸内陆转运服务 overland common point service {= OCP service}
重迭;搭接;逾期还船 overlap
舷外交货 overside delivery
舷外交货条款 overside delivery clause
倒序装船 overstowage
逾时[工作];超时工作 overtime
逾时工作奖金 overtime bonus
自负风险 own risk
航次准所有人 owner of the voyage
船舶所有人之代理人 owner‘s agent
船东市场 owner‘s market
船方选定 owner‘s option; ship‘s option
船东负担风险 owner‘s risk
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