转驳;驳船费 lighterage驳船条款 lightirage clause
责任限制 limitation of liability
诉讼期限 limitation period of actions
限制运务{船线} limited service
直线呎{木材计费单位} lineal foot
定期船;衬垫;衬套筒 liner
定期船载货证券 liner B/L
定期船海运同盟管理规则国际公约 Liner Code {Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conference}
定期船条件 liner terms
液货;液体货;液体货物 liquid cargo
牲畜货柜 live stock container
牲畜 live stock; live-stock
重载排水量吨位 loaded displacement tonnage
装卸速率 loading and dischanging rate
装载经纪人 loading broker
装载系数 loading coefficient; stowage factor {= S/F}
装货港 loading port; port of loading
装货检验;满载吃水鉴定 loading survey
船舶载重线 loadline
区间货 local cargo
本线运偿 local rate
过闸费 lockage
歇工 lock-out
伦敦油轮经纪人公会标准运价表 London scale
伦敦油轮经纪人公会标准运价 London Scale Rate {London Market Tanker Nominal Freight Scale Rate}
全式载货证券 long form B/L
长期租赁 long term leasement
长吨 long ton
同线长短距运价限制条款 Long-and-short Haul Clause
超长附属费 long-length or extra length charge
长期装运协定 Longterm Agreement
分量损耗 loss in bulk
市场损失 loss of market
失重 loss of weight
载位损失 lost stowage
整批货;大宗货 lots cargo
忠实协定 Loyalty Agreement
包载方式 lumpsum basis
定额运费佣船 lumpsum charter
定额包载运费 lumpsum freight
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