出口结关单;出港证书 bill of clearance进口[报]关单 bill of entry
汇票 bill of exchange
健康证书 bill of health; health certificate
提单;载货证券 bill of lading {= B/L}
载货证券条例 Bill of Lading Act
不记名载货证券 blank B/L
简式载货证券 blank back B/L; short form B/L
空白背书 blank endorsement; endorsement in blank
方堆式板台货;方堆式垫板货 block pattern pallet
退装货转船证明 block transfer
封锁用船;封锁沈船{海军军语} blockship
板呎 board foot {= Bd. ft.}; board measure
船岸连络员 boarding clerk
驻船关员 boarding officer
驳载{榖运单位} boat load
驳运收货单 boat note {= B/N}
善意持有人 bona fide holder
保税进口 bond entry
保税仓库 bonded godown
保税费 bonding fee
记录理货 book tally
订载单 booking note
揽货代理人 booking or soliciting agent
订载期间 booking period
订载凭单 booking permit
装卸两端 both ends
底层货 bottom cargo
船舶抵押借款 bottomry
船舶抵押借款保证;船货押贷保证 bottomry bond
船舶抵押借款优先权 bottomry lien
货钩 box hook; cargfo hook
包柜运价 box rate
背运系统 boxy back system
烙印标志 branding mark
分批散货;零星杂货 break bulk cargo
舱内货移向舱口 break out
拆船条款 break up clause
启卸 breaking bulk
杉木计量表 brereton scale
砌砖式板台货;砌砖式垫板货 brick pattern pallet
桥式起重机 bridge crane