篇目 table of contents,contents,list of articles书板 tablet
避讳 taboo
书签丝带[装] tail band,tassel
丝带书签(一头固定在书脊上端,可做书签) tassel
学期论文 term paper
期限 term,duration,allottedtime,time limit,dead line
学期 term,school term,semester
考据学 textology
校勘者 textual critic
版本鉴定 textual criticism
考证 textual research, textual criticism
《论语》 the Analects, the Analects of Confucius
《书经》 the Book of History,The Classic of Documents
礼记》 the book of Rites, the of Rites 《
《诗经》 the Book of songs,The classic of Poetry
《孝经》 the Classic of Filial Piety
《易经》 the Classical of Changes
《资治通鉴》 the Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government
敦煌壁画 the DunHuang frescoes
起笔(每字的第一笔) the first stroke of a Chinese cllaracter
四书(包括《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) the Four Books (including the Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius)
文坛 the literary world
稿件在审阅中 the manuscript is under review
繁体字 the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character, complex characters, complicated characters
史学 the science of history,historical science,historiography
年号 the title of an emperor‘s reign
诸子百家 the various school of thought and their exponents during the period the way of a minister from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty
童蒙 the youthful and inexperienced
学位论文 thesis,academic dissertation
薄纸型版 thin paper edition
三十六开本 thirty-sixmo, tricesimo-sexto, trigesimo-sexto, 36 mo
三十二开本 thirty-twomo, tricesimo-secundo, trigesimo-secundo, 32 mo
中文线装书 thread-bound Chinese book
篇名 title
篇名目录 title catalog
篇名索引 title index
篇名关键词标引法 title indexing,title keyword indexing
书标 title label,title panel,label,book label
篇名文摘 title-only abstract
天头 top, top edge, top margin
专题索引 topical index, subject index
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