偏旁 radical,character components,basic structural parts of Chinese characters阳文铅字 raised type
善本书 rare book, good edition, scare book
善本书库 rare-book stack
评阅 read and appraise
校阅 read and revise
书夹 reading case
增补版 redaction
审稿员 referee
审稿工作 refereeing
类书 reference books with material taken from various sources and arranged according to subjects;general cyclopedia
套版 registering
楷书 regular script (in Chinese calligraphy)
备注 remark
补缺本 replaced copy
补缺页 replaced page
报告文学 reportage
校正重印 reprint with corrections
文史馆,文史资料馆 research Institute of Culture and History
学术性刊物,学术性杂志 research journal,scholarly journal
研究论文 research paper
研究课题 research subject
保留本藏书 reserved collection
保留本 reserved copy
保存版 reserved edition
保存图书馆,贮备图书馆 reservoir library
校勘古本 restore ancient text
内部发行出版物 restricted publication
修版 retouching, dot-etching
评论文章 review article
书评作者 reviewer
评论家 reviewer,critic
审订教材 revise teaching materials
修订 revise, castigate
骈文 rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness
石窟 rock cave,grotto
麻制纸 rope paper
版税 royalty(on books)
拓印 rub
拓片 rubbing
目录组织规则 rules for filing catalog cards,filing code,filing rules
书写规则 rules for writing
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