年历 calendar,single-page calendar书法家 calligrapher
书法形式 calligraphic version
书法 calligraphy,chirography,penmanship
文首题名 caption title
刻字 carve characters, engrave characters
石刻 carved stone;stone inscription
目录卡 catalog card
目录卡排列法 catalog card filling arrangement
目录管理,目录维护 catalog maintenance
善本书目 catalogue of rare and uncommon works
书刊审查制度 censorship“books
阴文 characters cut in intaglio
阳文 characters cut in relief
朱文 characters on a seal carved in relief
审阅 check and approve
校验字符 check character
校对符号 check mark,correction markings,proof correction marks
中国古典文学 chinese classics
中国语言文学 chinese language and literature
毛笔 chinese writing brush
评选 choose through Public appraisal
套印 chromatography
套印本 chromatography edition
木版彩色画 chromo xylograph
木版彩印术 chromo xylography
编年史 chronicle
编年表 chronicle, synchronism
编年法 chronological device
年表 chronological table,chronology
文献资料来源索引 citation index
文言 classic chinese
文言文 classical language, classical style of writing, writing in classical chinese
泥版 clay matrix
泥活字 clay type
书写错误 clerical error
书写体 clerical type
文书,文牍人员 clerk,scrivener
校勘 collation,emendation,textual criticism
收藏 collect, store up
书信集 collected letters
诗集 collection of poems,Poetry,Poetry anthology
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