文学学士 BA(Bachelor of Arts), bachelor of letters, bachelor of Literature书脊装饰 back decoration
书脊 back of a book,backbone,book back
书脊印字 back print
民谣 ballad, folk rhyme
竹纸 bamboo
竹刻 bamboo carving ,bamboo engraving
竹简 bamboo slips(used for writing on during ancient times)
标题词 banner word
书目分类法 bC(Bibliographic Classification)
失传 be lost
半年刊 biannual(publication)
目录学家 bibliographer
书目中心 bibliographic center
书目编制 bibliographic compilation
书目资料库 bibliographic data base
书目著录,书目描述 bibliographic description
书目文献工作 bibliographic documentation
书目的书目,书志目录 bibliographic of bibliographies
目录组织 bibliographic organization
目录结构 bibliographic structure,catalog structure
目录工具书 bibliographic tools
目录卡片档 bibliographical file
目录学史,书目沿革 bibliographical history
书目沿革,目录学史 bibliographical history
书汛 bibliographical information,book trade journal
目录工作 bibliographical work
书目 bibliography
文献著录对象 bibliography entity
目录 bibliography,catalogue,roll,list,table of contents
藏书家 bibliophilist, book collector
大篆 big-seal style
半精装 bind in bound,bind in paper board,half-bound
平装 bind in paper cover;soft cover ; paper-bound
散叶装订 binding from sheets
人名辞典 biographical dictionary ,who‘s who
木版书 block book,xylographic book
木活字block(of a tray) 目录盒挡板 block letter,wood type,wooden type
坊本 block-printed edition prepared by a bookshop
刻本 block-printed edition, carving copy
毛边 bolt edge,bolts,deckle edge,rough edges,uncut edge, untouched edge, untrimmed edge,fuzzy edge
书卡 book card
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