清样 page-on galley proof; press proof缺页 pages missing
书皮纸 paper for covering books
平装本 paper—bound volume,paperbound edition,paper,copy
骈句 parallel sentences
期刊论文 periodical article,periodical literature,journal article
期刊专藏 periodical holdings
期刊索引 periodical index
期刊序号 periodical issue number
期刊 periodical,serial,journal,magazine
期刊库 periodicals collection,periodicals library,journal collection,magazine stacks
版权转让 permission of copyright,transfer of copyright , assignment of copyright
拼音字母 phonetic alphabet, phonetic letters
侵犯著作权 piracy, plagiarism
袖珍本 pocket book, pocket edition
普及本 popular edition,cheap edition,every man paper back
遗著 posthumous edition, posthumous work
遗书 posthumous papers
序言 preface
史前时代 prehistoric age
校对员 press corrector,proof reader,collator
清样校对人 press reader
书局 press,publishin8house
一次文献,原始文献 primary document
诸侯 princes
内部发行 printed but not published,privacy issue,restricted
朱墨套印 printed in red and black
木刻版 printing of Wood—cut
私人藏书 private collection
私立图书馆 private library,proprietary library
私营(或私立)出版社 private press
彩色套印 process printing
专业文献 professional literature
专业论文 professional paper
专业期刊 professional periodicals
版样 proof in page,proof in sheets,layout sheet
校样印版 proof plate
校对错误 proof reader‘s errors
校样 proof,proof sheet
校对 proofread,collate,check against a standard;proof reading,collation
散文集 prose works
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