版本 edition版本书目(图书馆采购用) edition file,textual bibliography
版本说明不详 edition statement uncertain
编者按 editor‘s comments
编者序言 editor‘s preface
八卦 eight trigrams
八股文 eight-part essay OR stereotyped writing
省略书名 elliptical title
校雠学 emendation
校订 emendation, redaction,amendment
校勘学 emendation,textual criticism
校订者 emendator
英汉对照读本 english-Chinese bilingual textbook
启蒙读物,入门书 enlightened reading materials
史诗,叙事诗 epic,epic poem
跋 epilogue postscript,postscript
书信体诗文 epistle
书信体小说 epistolary novel
书信体 epistolary style
墓志铭 epitaph,inscription on the memorial tablet within a tomb
勘误表 errata ,corrigenda
评论性文摘 evaluative abstract
文献鉴定 examination of documents
(行间页边的注释) 训诂 explanations of words in ancient books,gloss
作者遗著手稿 extant
篇幅 extent length(of a Piece of writing);space (on a printed page)
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