水线上损害 above water damage海蚀台地 abrasion platform
离船旗;离港旗 absence flag
灭光 absence light
吸收因素 absorpotion factor
横放 aburton
泊船处;起居设备 accommodation
海岸冲积模式 accumulation forms
回声测深仪 acoustic depth finder; echo sounder
水中音波{测深用} acoustic wave in water
天灾;不可抗力 act of god; act of God
浮动沈淀物 activated sludge
邻近水域 adjacent water
领海邻接区 adjacent zone
小船丈量 admeasurement of small ship
船舶丈量 admeasurement of vessel
海岸线前移 advance; advance of a beach
架空索道 aerial ropeway
雇船契约 affreightment
交货后 after delivery
回淤 aggredation; accretion
搁浅;触礁 aground
导航设施 aids to navigation
喷气;鼓气;射气;气冲;气爆 air blast
喷气防波堤 air breakwater
气囊;气密室;空气电池 air cell
舷窗;通气口;航空站 air port
气泡消波设备 air-bubble screen
前后双锚泊 all fours mooring [= four arms mooring]
仓位分配 allocation space
许可承载重 allowable bearing capacity
冲积层;冲积地 alluvium
沿岸;近岸 alongshore
侧靠船席 alongside berth
侧流;顺向流 alongside current
货物装船日 alongside date
换色闪光;换色群顿光 alternating flashing light
换色群闪光 alternating group flashing light
换色回转光 alternating revolving light
救护驳船;救护艇 ambulance lighter
美国港埠协会 American Association of Port Authorities
美国混凝土学会 American Concrete Institute {= ACI}
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