地震 earthquake地震负载 earthquake load
地震应力 earthquake stress
落潮流 ebb and flow
退潮水道 ebb channel
回音板 echo board
电动控气振动器 electric air oscillator
电灯浮标 electric buoy
电力吊车 electric hoist
装载 EMB; loading
人工堤岸 embankment
乘船;开船 embarkment [= embarkament]
能量系数{波浪} energy coefficient
引擎检查员 engine surveyor
进出港信号 entering and leaving signal
港口浮标 entrance buoy
坞口 entrance dock
港口标志 entrance marker
船闸进口 entrance of lock
环境科学 enviromental science
二分大潮 equinoctial spring
装卸设备弹性化;设备弹性原理 equipment principle of flexibility
装卸设备标准化;设备标准化原理 equipment principle of standardization
装卸设备合适化 equipment principle of terminal time
当量载重 equivalent load
被侵蚀海岸 erosion beach
逸出;艉踢出;退水路 escape
候潮港 establishments port
河口港 estuary harbor
急流海峡 euripus
检查锚位 examination anchorage
开挖 excavation
自由引水 exempt pilot; optional pilotage; voluntary pilotage
爆炸品锚地 explosive anchorage
出口加工区 export processing zone
曝露锚地{指曝露危险品而言} exposed anchorage
明礁 exposed rock
外航道 exterior channel; outer route
暂时熄灭 extinguished temporarily
异常高潮 extraordinary high tide
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