遮蔽 obcured障碍物 obstacle
小船临时检查 occasional inspection of small ship
不常光;临时灯 occasional light
顿光装置 occulting apparatus
顿光 occulting current; occulting light
顿速闪光 occulting quick flashing light
远洋货轮 ocean carrier
远洋航线 ocean route
远洋不定期船 ocean tramp
外洋潮 oceanic tide
航政主管机关 office of maritime administration
离岸 offshore
岛滩;离岸沙洲 offshore barrier
离岸系泊 offshore mooring
离岸油船船席 offshore tanker berth
双拱形浮标;双弯顶部浮标 ogival buoy
油驳船 oil barge; oil lighter
油码头 oil pier
油管线 oil pipe line
油污法 Oil Pollution Act
油水分离驳船 oil separating barge; separator barge
油水分离器 oil separator; oily water separator
除油沫器;撇油器{捞油船} oil skimmer
给油管 oil supply pipe
运油船 oil tanker
甲板上装船货物;舱面上装船货物 on deck cargo
泊妥待载 one the berth
单向船闸 one way lock
开放锚地;敞开锚地 open anchorage
开敞湾 open bay
开口沈箱 open caisson
开口沈箱基础 open caisson foundation
开口沈箱码头 open caisson wharf
无盖货驳 open cargo lighter
开底钢管桩 open end pipe pile
开口港;不冻港 open harbor
无盖装货起岸驳船 open landing lighter
无盖灯 open light
敞开港外锚地 open roads
露天存放 open storage
露天堆货场 open transit area
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