沿海航运;沿海贸易权 cabotage装造沈箱干坞 caisson dock; caisson dry dock
箱式坞门 caisson gate
装铁轨沈箱逍送 caisson marine railway
制造沈箱滑道 caisson slipway
罐状浮标 can buoy
运河港 canal harbor; canal port
运河船闸 canal lock
运河水手 canaler
渠化 canalization
注销登记 cancellation of registration
桩顶堤顶覆盖物;桩帽;接箍 cap
波界张力波 capillary wave
装有轨道之驳船;火车渡船;车辆浮桥 car float
基标系统 cardinal marking system
货物装卸作业能量 cargo handling capacity
起货灯;吊货灯 cargo light
货物舱单 cargo manifest
码头通栈屋顶起货杆{美} cargo mast
运载能量 carring capacity
运送载荷 carrying load
箱;事实纪录 case
桶;木桶 cask
烟囱外壳;桶状浮标 cask buoy
反射折射透射镜 catadioptric lens
反射透镜 catoptric lens
栈桥;堤道;过水道 causeway
警示号志 cautionary signal
格墙沈箱 cellular caisson
直壁格墙混凝土块防波堤 cellular concerte block upright breakwater
钢板桩井筒 cellular steel sheet pile
井筒式码头 cellular type wharf
水泥黏土{临时堵漏用} cement clay
水泥散装仓库 cement silo
离心力卸货 centrifugal discharge
指定航线 certificated route
船长退职证明书 certification of retirement of ship master
船长就职证书 certification of ship master taking over command
链[条]滑车 chain block
链船{系泊用} chain boat
链式运送带 chain conveyor
航道浮标 channel buoy
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