梯式绞车 ladder hoisting winch装载货物 lade
落后潮 lagging of tide
咸水湖;月湖;礁沛;浅水塘 lagoon
栈单;卸货报告 landing account
旅客登岸证 landing card
登岸浮桥 landing floating bridge
登岸浮码头 landing floating pontoon
登岸码头 landing pier
登岸坡道 landing ramp
冰区间航路 lane of ice
灯笼 lantern
横标制 lateral marking system
引水法 law of pilotage
船舶登记法 Law of Registry of Ship
约定装卸日数 layday
传染病医院;检疫所;艉库 lazaret [= lazarette; lazaretto]
冰间水道 lead lane; vein
导航灯 leading light
进口水道长度 length of entrance
防洪堤 levee
平伸式起重机 level luffing crane
方块吊杆 lewis
登记合格引水人;有照引水人 licenced pilot [= licensed pilot]
救生艇;救生巡逻艇 life cutter
救生设备 life equipment; lift saving apparatus
救生衣 life jacket; lift saving jacket
救生信号火箭 life saving rocket
救生站 life saving station {= LSS}
救生圈灯 lifebuoy light; water light
发射、抛掷救生索 lift shot
起重机具;起重装置;升降装置 lifting gear
浮箱{打捞沈船沈物用} lifting pontoon
灯塔;灯标列表 light and beacon list
灯塔税;灯钞 light dues
灯塔管理员 light keeper
放光时间 light period
灯杆 light staff
灯塔 light station; lighthouse
灯船 light vessel
明弧 lighted arc
驳船码头 lighter wharf
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