弹药驳船 ammunition lighter波浪振幅 amplitude; wave amplitude
锚、链合格证书 anchor and chain certificate
锚锤;锚坠 anchor block
锚板 anchor plate
锚碇碇板 anchor wall
带锚船 anchorage handling boat
碇泊区;锚地 anchorage space
风速风压表;风压纪录计 anemobarometer
风力记录计;测风仪 anemograph
自记风速风力风向计 anemometrograph
流向角 angle of current
年降雨量 annual rainfall
年周潮 annual tide
月远小潮 apogee tide
视强度;易见度 apparent intensity
申请货物转仓 apply for rewarehouse entry
申请货物进仓 apply for warehouse entry
实习引水人;见习引水人 apprentice pilot
港口船席 approach berth
港口信号 approach signal
水道;输水道 aqueduct
消波块 armor blocks
外层 armor layer
船舶到达 arrival of ship
人工回淤 artificial accretion
人工港 artificial harbor
人工岛 artificial island
人工养护滩 artificial nourishment of beach
煤灰驳船 ash lighter
组合透镜;组合塔弧光透镜 assembled lens
非对称扇形光柱 asymmetrical fan beam
看守灯塔 attended light station
授权代理人 authoritized agent
主管机构;权责机关 authority
汽车船 auto carrier
汽车轮渡 auto ferry
自动雾炮 automatic fog gun
自动发声浮标;自鸣浮标 automatic sound buoy
补助浮船坞 auxiliary floating dock
起重机副钩 auxiliary hook
副灯 auxiliary light