超重货;超重货吊具 heavy lift对班{值更} heel and toe; Watch and watch
回舵到五度 helm ease to five
右满舵{美式} helm hard right; hard right rudder
左舵十五度{美式} helm left 15 degree rudder; left fifteen
右微舵{美式} helm left a little
左满舵{美式} helm left; hard left rudder
正舵 helm midships; midships; rudder amidships
勿向左偏{英式} helm nothing port
勿向右偏{英式} helm nothing strrbeard
勿向左偏{美式} helm nothing to the left
勿向右偏{美式} helm nothing to the right
左满舵{英式} helm port
左微舵{英式} helm port a little
左舵十五度{英式} helm port fifteen
右舵十五度{美式} helm right 15 degrees rudder; right fifteen
右缓舵{美式} helm right easy
右满舵{英式} helm starboard
右缓舵{英式} helm starboard easy
稳舵直航 helm steady; steady as you go; steady as she goes
堵漏毡;拱绳 hogging line [= bottom line; keel hauling line]
吊环 hoisting eye; hoisting ring
拉住;保留现状 hold on
货舱漆 hold paint
挡桨;拦水停艇{伸桨入水} hold water
霍氏救生示位灯 holmes light
马蹄铁形救生圈 horseshoe liftbuoy
管夹;管扣 hose clamp
水龙带接头变换器 hose connection reducer
油管吊杆 hose davit
水密测试 hose testing
桅肩 hound; hounds; mast hounds
细油绳 houseline; lanyard stuff
收妥锚 housing anchor
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