代议机制;代议政制机构 representative institution
代表议员〔出任临时市政局或临时区域市政局议员的临时区议会代表〕 representative member [representative of Provisional District Board serving on the Provisional Urban Council or Provisional Regional Council]
代表团体 representative organization
繁殖控制 Reproductive manipulation
研究评审工作 research assessment exercise
研究学位 research degree
研究资助;研究拨款;研究用途补助金 research grant
研究工作拨款委员会 Research Grants Committee
研究资助局〔研资局〕 Research Grants Council [RGC]
人文学科研究所〔香港中文大学〕 Research Institute for the Humanities [Chinese University of Hong Kong]
研究成果 research output
中央预留研究课程研究生名额 research postgraduate central pool
代表议员〔出任临时市政局或临时区域市政局议员的临时区议会代表〕 representative member [representative of Provisional District Board serving on the Provisional Urban Council or Provisional Regional Council]
代表团体 representative organization
繁殖控制 Reproductive manipulation
研究评审工作 research assessment exercise
研究学位 research degree
研究资助;研究拨款;研究用途补助金 research grant
研究工作拨款委员会 Research Grants Committee
研究资助局〔研资局〕 Research Grants Council [RGC]
人文学科研究所〔香港中文大学〕 Research Institute for the Humanities [Chinese University of Hong Kong]
研究成果 research output
中央预留研究课程研究生名额 research postgraduate central pool
研究生研究课程 research postgraduate course
研究课程研究生 research postgraduate student
研究讲座教授 research professor
研究生奖学金 research studentship
研究测验辅导中心 Research, Testing and Guidance Centre
以研究为主的课程 research-based course
居民区 Residential areas
生活营 residential camp
留宿幼儿中心 residential child care centre
寄宿学位;寄宿学额 residential place
居留规定;居留资格 residential qualification
候选人的居港年期规定 residential requirement for candidature
寄宿学校 residential school
剩余听力;剩余听觉 residual hearing
《关于中华人民共和国国都、纪年、国歌、国旗的决议》 Resolution on the Capital, Calendar, National Anthem and National Flag of the People‘s Republic of China
《关于中华人民共和国国庆节的决议》 Resolution on the National Day of the People‘s Republic of China
决议程序 resolution procedure
资源估价 Resource appraisal
教材编订工作小组〔目标为本课程〕 Resource Development Team [Target Oriented Curriculum]
失明学生辅导教学计划 Resource Help Programme for Blind Integrators
辅导教材;学习数据 resource material
辅导教材津贴 resource material grant
《高级程度化学实验数据册》 Resource Materials on Advanced Level Practical Chemistry
《预防及处理学童自杀问题辅导教材套(小学适用)》 Resource Package on Student Suicide (for Primary School)
资源筹划小组委员会〔大学教育资助委员会〕 Resource Planning Sub-committee [University Grants Committee]
辅导教学服务 resource teaching service
辅导教学服务中心 Resource Teaching Services Centre
辅导教学服务小组〔教育署〕 Resource Teaching Unit [Education Department]
敬师运动 Respect Our Teachers Campaign
呈请书的答辩人;质询书的答辩人 respondent to a petition