东非 East Africa
生态发展 Ecodevelopment
生态标志 Ecolabelling
经济共同体 Economic community
经济发展 Economic development
经济波动 Economic fluctuation
经济全球化 Economic globalization
经济增长与社会进步 Economic growth and social progress
经济增长方式 Economic growth mode
经济增长点 Economic growth point
经济管理手段 Economic management instruments
经济奇迹 Economic miracle
生态发展 Ecodevelopment
生态标志 Ecolabelling
经济共同体 Economic community
经济发展 Economic development
经济波动 Economic fluctuation
经济全球化 Economic globalization
经济增长与社会进步 Economic growth and social progress
经济增长方式 Economic growth mode
经济增长点 Economic growth point
经济管理手段 Economic management instruments
经济奇迹 Economic miracle
经济计划 Economic planning
经济形势 Economic situation
经济起飞 Economic take-off
经济规划 Economic zoning
经济手段 Economy measure
生态旅游 Ecotourism
尼瓜多尔 Ecuador
教育行动组 Education Action Group
教育界界别分组 education subsector
教育部 Education, Ministry of
教育界功能界别 educational functional constituency
民选议员 elected member
民选代议制度 elected representation
民选议席 elected seat
当选者 elected, the
选举广告 election advertisement
选举代理人 election agent
选举助理 election assistant
竞选广播 election broadcasting
竞选活动 election campaigning
选举委员会 Election Committee
选举委员会选票 Election Committee ballot paper
选举委员会点票区 Election Committee counting zone
选举委员会正式登记册 Election Committee final register
选举委员会投票站 Election Committee polling station
选举委员会界别分组 Election Committee subsector
选举委员会界别分组选举 Election Committee subsector election
选举委员会小组选举 Election Committee sub-subsector election
选举函件;竞选刊物 election communication
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