一系列政策措施 A series of policies and measures
取消议席 abolition of a seat
取消委任议席 abolition of an appointed seat
缺席投票 absentee voting
绝对多数 absolute majority
绝对多数票 absolute majority of votes
绝对票数制 absolute system
放弃投票;放弃表决 abstain from voting
弃权票 abstention vote
滥用权力 abuse of power
反对此选票获接纳;选票获接纳遭反对 acceptance objected to
接受议员席位 acceptance of office as a member
取消议席 abolition of a seat
取消委任议席 abolition of an appointed seat
缺席投票 absentee voting
绝对多数 absolute majority
绝对多数票 absolute majority of votes
绝对票数制 absolute system
放弃投票;放弃表决 abstain from voting
弃权票 abstention vote
滥用权力 abuse of power
反对此选票获接纳;选票获接纳遭反对 acceptance objected to
接受议员席位 acceptance of office as a member
入海通道 Access to the sea
生物体的意外释放 Accidental release of organisms
实报实销的办事处租金津贴 accountable office rental allowance
对……负责 accountable to...
会计界功能界别 accountancy functional constituency
会计界界别分组 accountancy subsector
在人体组织中的积累 Accumulation in body tissues
广泛支持 across-the-board support
国家行为 act of state
项目小组 ad hoc group
人口预测专责小组 Ad Hoc Sub-Group on Population Forecasts
适应性强的物种 Adaptable species
法律适应化;改编法律 adaptation of laws
适度货币供应量 Adequate amount of the money supply
坚持改革开放 Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world
坚持四项基本原则 Adhere to the four cardinal principles
休会;散会 adjourn
休会待续〔临时立法会〕 adjournment
休会辩论 adjournment debate
辩论中止待续 adjournment of debate
行政上诉委员会 Administrative Appeals Board
行政边界 Administrative boundaries
行政分界 administrative boundary
行政区 administrative district
行政区分界 administrative district boundary
行政指引 administrative guidelines
行政干预 Administrative interference
行政复议〔中国〕 administrative review [China]
行政制度 administrative system
律政司政务总监〔前称律政署政务总监〕 Administrator, Department of Justice [formerly known as Chambers Manager]
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