血为气母 the blood serving as the mother of qi
脾的“散精”功能 the function of the spleen to “dissipate essence”
胃的“游溢精气” the function of the stomach to “distribute essence”
心主血脉 the heart controlling blood and vessels
大肠主传导 the large intestine governing transmission and transportation
津液的代谢平衡 the metabolic balance of the body fluid
气的运动形式 the moving styles of qi
津液的营养和滋润作用 the nourishing and moistening functions of the body fluid
入药部分 the part used for medical purpose
脾主运化 the spleen governing transportation and transformation
木乘土 the wood over-restrains the earth
各家学说 theories of different schools
脾的“散精”功能 the function of the spleen to “dissipate essence”
胃的“游溢精气” the function of the stomach to “distribute essence”
心主血脉 the heart controlling blood and vessels
大肠主传导 the large intestine governing transmission and transportation
津液的代谢平衡 the metabolic balance of the body fluid
气的运动形式 the moving styles of qi
津液的营养和滋润作用 the nourishing and moistening functions of the body fluid
入药部分 the part used for medical purpose
脾主运化 the spleen governing transportation and transformation
木乘土 the wood over-restrains the earth
各家学说 theories of different schools
五行学说 theory of five elements
藏象学说 theory of visceral manifestations
治疗原则 therapeutic principles
脉象细弱 thin and weak pulse
脉细无力 thin and weak pulse
胸痛彻背 thoracic pain involving the back
潮热盗汗 tidal fever and night sweating
生我,我生 to be generated and to generate
克我,我克 to be restricted and to restrict
风热乳蛾 tonsillitis due to wind-heat
药物毒性 toxicity of medicinal herbs
中国医药学 Traditional Chinese Medicine
阴阳转化 transformation between yin and yang
传化水谷 transmission and transformation of food
传变 transmission of disease, progress of disease
运行全身气血 transporting qi and blood in the whole body
跌打损伤 traumatic injury
异病同治 treating different diseases with the same therapy
塞因塞用 treating obstructive syndrome with tonifying therapy
寒因寒用 treating pseudo-cold syndrome with herbs of cold nature
热因热用 treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature
同病异治 treating the same disease with different therapies
辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome differentiation
标本兼治 treatment focusing on relieving both the secondary and primary symptoms
治病求本 treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of disease
真热假寒 true heat and false cold
十二经别 twelve branches of meridians
十二经筋 twelve meridian tendons
十二正经 twelve regular meridians
十二皮部 twelve skin areas, twelve skin regions/divisions
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