阳中求阴 obtaining yang from yin
大肉陷下 obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy, extreme emaciation
疾病的发生与发展 occurrence and development of disease
疾病的发生、发展与变化 occurrence, development and changes of disease
开窍 opening into
相反相成 opposite and supplementary to each
有机整体 organic wholeness/integrity
相乘相侮 over-restriction and reverse restriction
大肉陷下 obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy, extreme emaciation
疾病的发生与发展 occurrence and development of disease
疾病的发生、发展与变化 occurrence, development and changes of disease
开窍 opening into
相反相成 opposite and supplementary to each
有机整体 organic wholeness/integrity
相乘相侮 over-restriction and reverse restriction
当前第1页 共1页