脉数无力 rapid and weak pulse
和血止痛 regulating blood to alleviate pain
调摄精神 regulating mental states
调畅气机 regulating qi activity
调节水液 regulation of water
手法补泻 reinforcing and reducing manipulations
针刺补泻 reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling
阴阳的相对平衡 relative balance between yin and yang
阴阳偏盛大 relative predominance of yin and yang
放松肌肉 relaxing muscles
舒筋活络 relaxing tendons and activating collaterals
定喘 relieving asthma
和血止痛 regulating blood to alleviate pain
调摄精神 regulating mental states
调畅气机 regulating qi activity
调节水液 regulation of water
手法补泻 reinforcing and reducing manipulations
针刺补泻 reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling
阴阳的相对平衡 relative balance between yin and yang
阴阳偏盛大 relative predominance of yin and yang
放松肌肉 relaxing muscles
舒筋活络 relaxing tendons and activating collaterals
定喘 relieving asthma
发汗解表 relieving exterior syndrome by diaphoresis
发散解表 relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion
辛温解表药 relieving exterior syndrome with herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature
解除肌肉紧张 relieving muscular tension
解除痉挛 relieving spasm
缓则治其本 relieving the primary symptoms in treating chronic disease
急则治其标 relieving the secondary symptoms first in treating acute disease
食物残渣 residue of food
制则生化 restriction ensuring generation
生中有制 restriction within generation
水液停滞 retention of fluid
气滞津停 retention of fluid due to stagnation of qi
大肠热结 retention of heat in the large intestine
癃闭 retention of urine
水液停聚 retention of water
水湿停滞 retention of water and dampness, water retention
水湿停聚 retention of water-dampness
逆传心包 reverse transmission into the pericardium
旋转复位 rotating reduction
面色红润 ruddy complexion, rosy cheeks
循行路线 running route
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