气虚滑胎 habitual abortion due to qi asthenia
头身疼痛 headache and body pain
内伤头疼 headache due to internal injury
养生 health-cultivation,
正气 healthy qi, vital qi
热扰神明 heat disturbing mind
热迫血分 heat invading the blood phase
清热凉血药 herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood
祛痰止咳药 herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough
袪风湿药 herbs for expelling wind and dampness
寒凉药物 herbs of cold and cool nature, cold-natured herbs
高热谵妄 high fever with delirium
头身疼痛 headache and body pain
内伤头疼 headache due to internal injury
养生 health-cultivation,
正气 healthy qi, vital qi
热扰神明 heat disturbing mind
热迫血分 heat invading the blood phase
清热凉血药 herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood
祛痰止咳药 herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough
袪风湿药 herbs for expelling wind and dampness
寒凉药物 herbs of cold and cool nature, cold-natured herbs
高热谵妄 high fever with delirium
拇指平推法 horizontal pushing with the thumb
饥不欲食 hunger without desire for food
水针疗法 hydro-acupuncture therapy
肝阳上亢 hyperactivity of liver yang
心火亢盛 hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire
肝旺脾虚 hyperfunction of the liver and weakness of the spleen
风火胁痛 hypochondriac pain due to wind-fire
脾胃虚弱 hypofunction/weakness of the spleen and stomach
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