事假 Paid Leave for Personal Affair
有给职 paid position
已收资本 paid-in capital
亲权 parental rights
亲职教育 Parenting Education
停车场 Parking Lot
中央民意机构 parliament; national legislative bodies
国会自治 parliamentary autonomy
国会参与决策权 parliamentary power of decision-making participation
契约当事人 parties of the contract
胜败互见 Partly Winning Suit and Partly Losing Suit
合伙 Partnership
有给职 paid position
已收资本 paid-in capital
亲权 parental rights
亲职教育 Parenting Education
停车场 Parking Lot
中央民意机构 parliament; national legislative bodies
国会自治 parliamentary autonomy
国会参与决策权 parliamentary power of decision-making participation
契约当事人 parties of the contract
胜败互见 Partly Winning Suit and Partly Losing Suit
合伙 Partnership
惩戒处分议决 passing of a resolution to discipline
消极利益 passive interest
护照条例 Passport Act
专利 patent
专利法 Patent Act
专利权人 patentee
专利权 Patent-right
典押当业 pawn business
俸给 Pay
缴纳契税 payment of deed tax
得易科罚金 Penalties May be Commuted to Fines
行政秩序罚;秩序罚 penalty for offense against the order of administration
处罚规定 penalty provision
未结件数 Pending Cases
退休金 pension
人民之自由权利 people‘s freedoms and rights
不变期间 peremptory period
履行债务 perform obligations
考绩 Performance Rating
戒严时期 period of martial law
动员戡乱时期 Period of National Mobilization in Suppression of Communist Rebellion
利息定期给付 Periodical Payment of Interest and the Like
定期改选 periodical re-election
核准 permission
扣缴义务人 person charged with withholding duty; tax withholder
犯罪之被害人 person injured by an act of offense
受处分人 person liable to penalty
人格尊严 personal dignity
人民身体自由;人身自由 personal freedom
人身自由 personal freedom; personal liberty; physical liberty
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