人格权 personal rights
人事管理 Personnel Management
人事室 Personnel Office
声请 petition
申请复查 petition for review
诉愿审议委员会 Petition Reviewing Commission
民事保护令声请事件 Petitions for Civil Protection Writs
石油管理法 Petroleum Administration Act
药事法 Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
药师 pharmacist
药局 pharmacy
影印 Photocopy
人事管理 Personnel Management
人事室 Personnel Office
声请 petition
申请复查 petition for review
诉愿审议委员会 Petition Reviewing Commission
民事保护令声请事件 Petitions for Civil Protection Writs
石油管理法 Petroleum Administration Act
药事法 Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
药师 pharmacist
药局 pharmacy
影印 Photocopy
兵役体检 physical examination in connection with military services
体格合适性 physical fitness
身体自由 physical freedom
身心障碍者保护法 Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Protection Act
医师 physician
医师法 Physician Act
引水法 Pilotage Act
原告 plaintiff
原告及诉讼代理人席 Plaintiff and Agent ad litem
植物防疫检疫法 Plant Protection and Quarantine Act
植物种苗法 Plant Variety and Seed Act
质权 Pledge
警察法 Police Act
政务官 political appointee
政党 political party
政治问题 political question
责任政治 politics of accountablility
合会 Pooled Loan
职称 Position Titles
占有 Possession
邮政机关 postal administration
邮政事业 postal services
刑罚权 power of criminal punishment
阐明权 power of inquiry
规则制定权 power of rule making
行刑权 power to execute punishment
检察事务指令权 power to issue orders regarding prosecutorial matters
追诉权 power to prosecute
办理民事诉讼事件应行注意事项 Precautionary Matters on Handling Civil Procedure
办理强制执行事件应行注意事项 Precautionary Matters on Handling Compulsory Enforcement