收发室 Mail Room
司法院收文处 Mail Room of the Judicial Yuan
扶养 Maintenance
工友 Maintenance Worker
重大刑事案件 Major Criminal Cases
诬告罪 malicious accusation
诬告 malicious prosecution
经理人 manager
经理 manager
委任 Mandate
唯一死刑 mandatory death penalty
载货清单 manifest
司法院收文处 Mail Room of the Judicial Yuan
扶养 Maintenance
工友 Maintenance Worker
重大刑事案件 Major Criminal Cases
诬告罪 malicious accusation
诬告 malicious prosecution
经理人 manager
经理 manager
委任 Mandate
唯一死刑 mandatory death penalty
载货清单 manifest
贞操义务 marital obligation of fidelity
同居义务 marital obligation to cohabitation
海上事故 maritime accident
海商法 Maritime Act
海商事件 Maritime Matters
时价 market price
市场批发价格 market wholesale value
婚姻 marriage
戒严法 Martial Law
大众传播 mass media
措施性法律 Massnahmegesetz
物证 material objects as evidence
婚姻共同生活; 夫妻同居 matrimonial cohabitation
补救措施 measures of remediation
奖章条例 Medal Award Act
调解、商谈 mediation
调解 mediation
调解室 Mediation Room
调解成立 Mediation Sustained
医疗保健 medical and health care
医疗给付 medical care benefits
医疗服务 medical service
医疗法 Medical Service Act
研讨室 Meeting Room
监察委员 member of the Control Yuan
法律见解歧异 mere differences in legal interpretations
工友(送公文) Messenger
气象法 Meteorology Act
纳税方法 method of tax payment
兵役义务 military conscription duties
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