广播电视法 Radio and Television Act
常备军官 ranked military officer
追认 ratification
批准 ratification
再审议案件 Re-adjudication Cases
不动产估价师法 Real Estate Appraiser Act
不动产经纪业管理条例 Real Estate Broking Management Act
不动产 real property
合理确信 reasonable assurance
反证 rebuttal evidence
召集 recall
罢免 recall
常备军官 ranked military officer
追认 ratification
批准 ratification
再审议案件 Re-adjudication Cases
不动产估价师法 Real Estate Appraiser Act
不动产经纪业管理条例 Real Estate Broking Management Act
不动产 real property
合理确信 reasonable assurance
反证 rebuttal evidence
召集 recall
罢免 recall
增资变更登记 recapitalization registration
会客室 Reception Room
大法官会客室 Reception Room of the Justices of the Constitutional Court
累犯 recidivist
领受人 recipient
地上权登记 recordation of superficies
登记 recording
康乐室 Recreation Room
法官回避 recusal by a judge
法官之回避 Recusal of Judges
减刑 reduction of punishment
复决权 referendum
转介 Referral
辅育院 Reform School
感化教育 reformatory education
可退还的 refundable
区域计划法 Regional Planning Law
已登记不动产 registered estate
注册商标 registered trademark
变更登记 registration of change
法人登记 Registration of Juridical Person
法人登记 Registration of Legal Entities
夫妻财产登记 Registration of Marital Property Contracts
夫妻财产制契约登记 Registration of Marital Property Contracts
法人变更登记 Registration of the change of Juridical Person
法人清算终结登记 Registration of the completion of the liquidation of Juridical Person
法人解散登记 Registration of the dissolution of Juridical Person
法人设立登记 Registration of the establishment of Juridical Person
登记处 Registry Office
规则 regulation
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