穿越车道 walk across the vehicular traffic lane
通缉 Wanted by the Law
仓库 Warehousing
警告函 warning letter
水污染防治法 Water Pollution Control Act
水利法 Water Resource Act
自来水法 Water Supply Act
水源区 water supply region
度量衡法 Weights and Measures Act
端正政风行动方案 Well-formed Government Ethics Program
野生动物保育法 Wildlife Conservation Act
恶意遗弃 willful abandonment
通缉 Wanted by the Law
仓库 Warehousing
警告函 warning letter
水污染防治法 Water Pollution Control Act
水利法 Water Resource Act
自来水法 Water Supply Act
水源区 water supply region
度量衡法 Weights and Measures Act
端正政风行动方案 Well-formed Government Ethics Program
野生动物保育法 Wildlife Conservation Act
恶意遗弃 willful abandonment
遗嘱 Wills
胜诉 Winning Suit
取回 withdraw
就源扣缴 withholding at source
证人 witness
见证人 witness
证人、鉴定人席 Witness and Expert Witness
证人休息室 Witness Lounge
证人保护法 Witness Protection Act
押票 writ of detention
书面通知 written notice
冤狱 wrongful imprisonment
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