价值判断 value judgment
遗产价值 value of the estate
加值型及非加值型营业税法 Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Business Tax Act
报值邮件 value-declared mail
保价邮件 value-insured mail
法院所在地 venue of the court
言词申辩 Verbal Arguments
国军退除役官兵辅导条例 Veterans Assistance Act
兽医师法 Veterinarian Act
动物用药品管理法 Veterinary Drugs Control Act
副总统 Vice President
副院长 Vice-President
遗产价值 value of the estate
加值型及非加值型营业税法 Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Business Tax Act
报值邮件 value-declared mail
保价邮件 value-insured mail
法院所在地 venue of the court
言词申辩 Verbal Arguments
国军退除役官兵辅导条例 Veterans Assistance Act
兽医师法 Veterinarian Act
动物用药品管理法 Veterinary Drugs Control Act
副总统 Vice President
副院长 Vice-President
副院长室 Vice-President
被害人 victim
被害人告诉人及代理人席 Victim, Complaint, and Agent ad litem
违反著作权法 Violation of Copyright Law
违反麻醉药品管理条例 Violation of the Anesthetics Control Act
违反银行法 Violation of the Banking Law
违反建筑法 Violation of the Building Law
违反儿童及少年性交易 Violation of the Children’s and Juvenile’s Sexual Transaction Prevention Act
违反商业登记法 Violation of the Commercial Registration Law
违反公司法 Violation of the Company Law
违反两岸关系条例 Violation of the Cross-Strait Relations Act
违反选举罢免法 Violation of the Election and Recall Law
违反电业法 Violation of the Electricity Management Law
违反就业服务法 Violation of the Employment Services Law
违反能源管理法 Violation of the Energy Management Law
违反公平交易法 Violation of the Fair Trade Act
违反渔业法 Violation of the Fishery Law
违反食品卫生管理法 Violation of the Food Sanitation Control Law
违反森林法 Violation of the Forestry Law
违反粮食管理法 Violation of the Grain Control Law
违反枪炮弹药刀械 Violation of the Guns, Explosives and Knives Control Act
违反水利法 Violation of the Irrigation Management Law
违反劳工安全卫生法 Violation of the Labor Safety and Health Law
违反劳动基准法 Violation of the Labor Standards Law
违反海商法 Violation of the Maritime Commercial Law
违反山坡地保育利用 Violation of the Mountain Slope Conservation and Utilization Law
违反毒品危害防制条例 Violation of the Narcotics Endangerment Prevention Act
违反国家总动员法 Violation of the National General Mobilization Law
违反专利法 Violation of the Patent Law
违反动产担保交易法 Violation of the Personal Property Secured Transactions Act
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