2.2.3 多用圆周句
招投标文件多用书面语,其信息焦点需借助语言成分的安排予以表示,原则就是末尾着重(end-weight),既把句子里较有分量的成分放在句末,形成一种“高潮”或悬念,用以加强语气,使句子显得生动有力,这就是文体学上说的“圆周句”。 此外,招投标文件中有的英语从句较长,而避免产生头重脚轻的感觉,也需要将主句至于句尾,这是招投标文件常使用圆周句的另一原因。例如:
If the lowest evaluated tender as clarified still contains deviations which are unacceptable to the employer/engineer, the tenderer should be notified and given the opportunity of withdrawing such deviations in writing. The tenderer may do so only if he confirms in writing that the withdrawal makes no change to the tender price. If no such confirmation is received the tender should be rejected and the next lowest evaluated tender as clarified should be considered, and so on.
参考译文: 如果评定的报价最低的投标书在澄清后仍包含有雇主/工程师不能接受的偏差,则应通知投标人,给予其书面撤回此类偏差的机会。只有在投标人书面确认撤回偏差,并不对标价做出修改,他才真的撤回了偏差。如果雇主/工程师没有受到此类确认,则将该标书拒绝,而考虑下一个在澄清文体后被评为报价最低的投标书,依此类推。