A quite witty and ingenious story of a stranded helicopter in Seatle.
A helicopter with a pilot and a single passenger was flying around above Seattle when a malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's navigation and communications equipment. Due to the darkness and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position and course to get back to the airport.
The pilot saw a tall building with lights on and flew toward it, the pilot had the passenger draw a handwritten sign reading "WHERE AM I?" and hold it up for the building's occupants to see.
飞行员看见一座闪亮的高楼并朝它飞去,飞行员让乘客写下 “我们在哪?”的信号并把它举高让高楼的人能够看得到。
People in the building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."
大楼的人们马上做出了反应,也画了个大信号,并显示在高楼的窗口。他们的写的是: “你们在直升机上。”
The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely.
飞行员笑了笑,挥手示意,看了看他的地图,决定朝Seatac 机场的路线方向飞去并在那安全着陆。
After they were on the ground, the passenger asked the pilot how the "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER" sign helped determine their position.
The pilot responded "I knew that had to be the Microsoft support building, they gave me a technically correct but entirely useless answer."
飞行员回答道,“我想那座高楼一定是微软的大楼,他们给了我一个技术上正确而完全无用的答案。” |