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陈冠希 阿娇 张柏芝 艳照门





(Last Page)Playing the "word game"

"A simple phrase of "very naive, very foolish" is simply not enough to redeem Gillian Chung from the huge vertical plunge in how people view her and her image in their hearts and minds. Looking back at her apology video, it is obvious that she wants to skim over the matter with as few words as possible in a scanty attempt to address the matter. Little did she or her management imagine that this would lead to a huge backlash from both the media and public. It is clear that Edison's apology speech was one that was deliberated on and improvised upon time after time over a considerably long period of time. This is obvious in its content, which touches on every possible aspect you can think of, expressed sincerely while allowing little to no room for open criticism, it is obvious that the speech was created by someone very smart and very highly skilled in word play who has all along been directing behind the scenes." Miss Wang added that she has no doubt that this person is Edison's record label boss Peter Lum and that the most scheming and skillful sentence in the entire apology speech crafted of skillful word play has to be that of edison's decision to "step away from the Hong Kong entertainment scene" and that Edison's specific reference to the "Hong Kong" entertainment scene ensures that he has a choice of lots of other entertainment industries such as Hollywood to break into apart from Hong Kong. Miss Wang defines this move as "以退为进", which means that one needs to retreat in order to advance and sums up the move as "most cunning".

Just Trans!

Playing Psychological Warfare with the Media and Populace

Miss Wang further adds that "From Edison Chen's clothing down to his performance in the press conference and even arrangement of the setting at the press conference, Peter Lum is playing a game of psychological warfare with the media and populace. The press conference comprised of only a solitary table and chair and this undoubtedly helped create an impression that Edison was shouldering a heavy and full responsibility all by himself and that he had no assistance, guidance and support by his side. At the same time, suddenly seeing a somberly-clad and serious Edison in place of the cheeky and jaunty character Hong Kong citizens and other Asian audience have grown used to leaves them with a serious and responsible impression of Edison. Apart from that, Edison's sombre countenance throughout the entire speech helps make him appear genuinely regretful and sincere and those are factors which lead to helping him garner sympathy votes from the public. And when you draw comparisons between Edison's speech and Gillian's, it is obvious that Gillian's speech is a flop compared to that of Edison's. Not only did she stress on an inadequate and somewhat comical reasoning for her involvement in the scandal, she also chose to inappropriately smile every now and then to the audience while making her speech. Even though her smiles may well be fronts to conceal her unease and nervousness, it is inevitable that they make viewers see her apology as most insincere. Furthermore, EEG's decision to launch Gillian straight back into fronting various entertainment events right after her speech made her seem like an innocent bystander to the entire scandal and like she was never truly apologetic and regretful in the first place. It is of little wonder that people would tag her as being most "hypocritical"."


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