放电率 rate of discharge蜕变率 rate of disintegration
交换率 rate of exchange
流入率 rate of inflow
脉冲重复率 rate pulse(-repetition)
绝对蜕变率 rate, absolute disintegration
背景计数率 rate, backgroud counting
断点计数率 rate, breakpoint counting
滋生率 rate, breeding
捕获率 rate, capture
机会率 rate, chance
符合计数率 rate, coincidence(-counting)
聚集率;收集率 rate, collection
碰撞率 rate, collision
腐蚀率 rate, corrosion
计数率 rate, count(ing)
衷变率 rate, decay
侦检率 rate, detection
扩散率 rate, diffusion
蜕变率 rate, disintegration
剂量率 rate, dosage
剂量率 rate, dose
发射率 rate, emission
交换率 rate, exchange
曝露率 rate, exposure
失效率 rate, failure
落尘剂量率 rate, fallout dose
补给率 rate, feed
分裂率 rate, fission
分裂计数率 rate, fission counting
流率 rate, flow
箔计数率 rate, foil counting
形成率 rate, formation
热必v rate, heat
利率 rate, interest
游离率 rate, ionization
同位素交换率 rate, isotopic-exchange
泄漏率 rate, leakage
死亡率 rate, mortality
能量损失率 rate, of energy loss
开束计数率 rate, open-beam counting
产生率 rate, production